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Creating A Morning Routine for Winter: 6 Ways To Start Your Day

We’re all too familiar with those crisp mornings that have us wanting to hide our head away under the covers and not emerge for the day!

Sure, some days lazing in bed all day are fun (and necessary!) but the reality is we all have things to do and places to go, no matter how chilly it is outside! 

In this post we want to share an extra loving morning ritual that will make gloomy days a little brighter and chilly mornings a little toastier!

Let’s dive in!

Let in the light

First things first! 

These shorter days mean we need to embrace the daylight for as long as we have it, so be sure to whip those curtains open upon waking! 

If you’re up while it’s still dark out, you may consider investing in a salt lamp or a lamp that mimics daylight and may help if you suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD). 

The great thing about a lamp like this is that you can lengthen your daylight hours, hallelujah! 


Sip on some warm lemon water

Warm lemon water will help to warm your chilly bones while waking up your digestive system. 

It’s a great way to prep your digestion for the day ahead, and it’s a wonderfully soothing ritual too.

Wait at least 30 minutes before jumping on your Java! 


Do a moving meditation

Yoga is a great moving form of meditation, helping to still your mind while stimulating blood flow for a wonderful warming boost! It’s also sure to wake you right up!

Try this gorgeous morning flow, guaranteed to help you start your day right! 


Turn up the heat

Okay, so you may already feel pretty warm after that, but why not keep things hot from the room to the bathroom!  

Turn your shower on to the hottest setting, close the door, and allow the steam to fill the room for a minute or two before getting in.

Be sure to turn the heat down now (you don’t want to strip your skin of natural oils!) and a shower cap may be in order if you have freshly washed locks! 


Slather on your hydration 

Now is the time to really indulge in your skincare ritual, when your pores are open from the steam and your skin is still slightly damp, all the better for absorption. 

Our Superfood serum will sink deep into your pores, delivering a potent dose of skin-loving nutrients! 


Have a hearty breakfast 

Now that you’re stretched, clean and toasty, it’s time to enjoy a yummy, filling breakfast.

Stuck for ideas? We have your back with these delicious and incredibly healthy vegan options!

We hope this morning ritual has inspired you to see those chilly mornings as an opportunity to get extra cozy before starting your day! 

Any more tips you’d like to share? We love hearing from you! 

If you enjoyed this post, you may find these interesting as well: 


  • EfILbDnrFueU

  • bJAOiapql

  • Thank you for the simple steps to a clean & clear morning, especially at this “shelter in place” time :( Need all the help one can get to stay invigorated & stimulated!


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